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What Finger Does an Engagement Ring Go On?

Want to check what finger an engagement ring goes on? We've got all the answers here.

This short guide will cover the reasons to have your engagement ring finger on your left or right hand- so that you don’t have to be in two minds (or two hands) about it. Let’s get started!

Love for the Left Hand

When in Rome…

If you wear your engagement ring on the left ring finger you’re doing as the Ancient Romans did. In Ancient Rome the left ring finger was thought to contain the “vena amoris,” or the “vein of love,” which was thought to run directly to the heart.

Ancient Roman engagement ring finger
Yes or No by John William Goodard 1893

We know now this isn’t the case as each finger has a “vena amoris” but the tradition has stuck. Most countries in Europe, Australia, the U.K., and the U.S. people wear engagement rings on the left ring finger.

Right Can Be Right

Movies, T.V. shows, and even Beyonce’s “single ladies” have confirmed the left-hand as the widely accepted place for the engagement ring. However, many countries and cultures do otherwise. Latvia, Hungary, Greece, Serbia, Russia, Belgium, Portugal, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Austria, Poland, Spain, Denmark, Cuba, Norway, Peru, Colombia, Jordan, and Venezuela all think the right hand is right when it comes to your engagement ring finger.

What Finger Does an Engagement Ring Go On? Beyonce
Beyonce performing Single Ladies (Credit: Scott Gries/Getty Images)

Religious Reasons

Many Orthodox Christians wear the ring on the right. This is because the left-side is associated with evil, as the devil sat on Eve’s left side. The last thing anyone would want to do is accidentally invite the devil into their relationship with a piece of jewellery.

In Jewish ceremony the ring is traditionally placed on the right index so Jewish people associate this finger with marriage. However, many practicing Jews today move the ring to the left to show marital status to those outside their faith.

Indian Traditions

The left hand is considered impure in Indian tradition as it is associated with the toilet. So it makes sense to have the engagement ring finger be on your right. This is to avoid insulting your partner by associating them with a certain bodily function… which might be worse than the devil.

LGBTQ+ History

In the LGBTQ+ community, they often wear their engagement ring finger on their right-hand, not just to show their queer-ness but to continue a tradition in queer history. Before 2015, same-sex couples showed their commitment to each other by wearing rings on their right hand as same-sex marriage was not recognised by law. Nowadays, the choice to do so is in memory of those who didn’t have that choice before them.

What Finger Does an Engagement Ring Go On? Queer wedding
New Orleans wedding (Credit: Alyssa Fisher)

The Answer to Which Finger is the Engagement Ring Finger

Though we’ve covered superstition and ancient science the answer to the question is quite simple: the choice of finger is up to you.

Heres a table to summarise by location:

New Zealand
Most Commonwealth Nations
Most South American Countries
Most Eastern European Countries

Really, it comes down to numbers and common sense. Most people wear engagement rings on the left hand as most people (90%) are right-handed. Wearing a ring on your non-dominant hand will prevent extra wear and tear in day-to-day activities.

Antique engagement ring finger

Left-hand, right-hand it doesn’t matter as long as you are holding hands with the person you love. The AJC can help you find the perfect engagement ring to suit any finger. We also offer plenty of engagement tips! Whether it’s how much you should spend on an engagement ring or how to style it to your partner’s personality or even birthstone.

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Why not come visit us? Let’s find the right (or left) ring for you and your partner.

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