The Responsible Choice
Buying antique jewellery is both ethical and eco-friendly as harmful and destructive mining processes are not needed to make an item yours. So give yourself a pat on the back!
Find Out MoreA stylish drop pendant which was a copy of a topazIt comes in many colours, including brown, green. blue, yellow, red, pink and orange. Topaz is very hard, being 8 on the Mohs scale, with a high cleavage. and diamondA precious, lustrous gemstone made of highly compressed carbon. Diamonds are one of the hardest materials known to mankind. Colours of diamonds range from colourless, yellow, orange and brown to almost black. Natural coloured (or ‘fancy’) diamonds can be extremely rare. The cut, colour, clarity and carat weight of a diamond are the criteria jewellers use... piece. It was made circa 1915 and is in very good condition. The pasteGlass made to resemble gem materials, which may be moulded, faceted, carved, etc. has all been hand set with foilA thin metal foil placed behind a gemstone within a closed-back setting to improve its appearance. Metallic foil improves the reflectivity of certain gemstones, whilst coloured foils act as colouring agents when placed behind colourless materials, such as paste and rock crystal. The practice of foil-backing gemstones can be traced back to Minoan times (circa... backing to increase translucency, apart from the paste topaz which is unbacked. It is on its original silverA metallic element which is malleable and ductile, and white in colour, making it ideal for use in jewellery. It is usually mixed with copper to improve its hardness.
Buying antique jewellery is both ethical and eco-friendly as harmful and destructive mining processes are not needed to make an item yours. So give yourself a pat on the back!
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Quality, Rarity, Expertise, Peace of Mind and Personal Touch