The Responsible Choice
Buying antique jewellery is both ethical and eco-friendly as harmful and destructive mining processes are not needed to make an item yours. So give yourself a pat on the back!
Find Out MoreAn outstanding platinumDerives from the Spanish word 'platina' meaning 'little silver'. Acknowledged since the 1900s, platinum's durability and natural brightness has been and still is today highly treasured A metallic element prized for its rarity, whiteness, high tensile strength and insusceptibility to corrosion, platinum first became widely used in jewellery in the late ninete... ring that has been set with an impressive carved apple green naturalA natural stone is called such because it has not been subjected to any treatments. jadeite that is Grade A jadeA semi-precious stone that ranges in colour. Translucent jade is more highly valued than opaque jade. Jade is often cabochon cut. Stones with imperfections are usually carved. Two different minerals are known as jade: jadeite and nephrite. The Chinese have prized jade for thousands of years and regard it as having medicinal properties when worn or ingested a.... On either side is a diamondA precious, lustrous gemstone made of highly compressed carbon. Diamonds are one of the hardest materials known to mankind. Colours of diamonds range from colourless, yellow, orange and brown to almost black. Natural coloured (or ‘fancy’) diamonds can be extremely rare. The cut, colour, clarity and carat weight of a diamond are the criteria jewellers use... set web-like design that continues in to the galleryA strip of metal that is pierced with a continuing pattern, often framing vertical lozenge-shaped openings within an upper and lower band. Such strips are used by jewellers to make a claw setting for a finger ring after slicing the strip horizontally so that it becomes a series of points which hold the stone. The complete gallery is called 'closet' and the h.... It was made in the 1920s when jade was the height of fashion. What is amazing about this ring is that the jade curves around the finger and of course the carved subject matter itself, the peacock. In decorative art, the peacock symbolises dignity and beauty. In China, the bird was a symbol of the Ming Dynasty, representing divinity, rank, power, and beauty. The peacock with its tail of 100 eyes is also associated with the goddess Guan Yin. Furthermore the peacock represents protection and holiness. A truly extraordinary ring that is accompanied with a gemmological certificate
Probably the best Jade ring I have ever seen!
Dog's head ( French Platinum mark)
French lozenge shaped poincon for maker
Buying antique jewellery is both ethical and eco-friendly as harmful and destructive mining processes are not needed to make an item yours. So give yourself a pat on the back!
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Quality, Rarity, Expertise, Peace of Mind and Personal Touch