The Responsible Choice
Buying antique jewellery is both ethical and eco-friendly as harmful and destructive mining processes are not needed to make an item yours. So give yourself a pat on the back!
Find Out MoreA good pair of original naturalA natural stone is called such because it has not been subjected to any treatments. coralAn organic gem, calcium carbonate with a trace of carotene, deposited by tiny sea creatures living in the depths of warm seas in huge colonies. It grows in branches that look like underwater trees. Coral is believed to be one of the oldest forms of gemstone jewellery, with some pieces dating back as far as 23,000 BC. drop earrings that were made in Italy circa 1860. The tops are bouton beads and the bottoms are pear shaped. Diving for coral has taken place in the Mediterranean Sea ever since Roman times, and in the 15th century Torre del Greco which is now part of the Naples commune became known for its coral diving and harvesting of red coral. However, it was not until the 17th century that the first cameos were produced, and not until 1815 that a unique manufacturing contract was granted to the town by the King of Naples. Because of it’s wonderful natural salmon to deep red colouration it was carved in to trinkets and jewellery for the Grand Tourists in the 1820s to buy to take back home. Whole suites of jewellery were sold in wonderful tooled cases. These earrings were probably part of a suite.
I love the natural colour of the coral
Buying antique jewellery is both ethical and eco-friendly as harmful and destructive mining processes are not needed to make an item yours. So give yourself a pat on the back!
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