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The Antique Jewellery Company

Pair Berlin Iron Bracelets

Written by Olly Gerrish

A stunning pair of Berlin iron bracelets with mirror backed cameos of the Goddess Nike which form the clasps. Nike was a goddess who personified “Victory”. Her Roman equivalent was Victoria. She was variously described as the daughter of the Titan Pallas and the goddess Styx, and the sister of Kratos (Strength), Bia (Force), and Zelus (Zeal).

The production of iron jewellery reached its peak between 1813 and 1815, when the Prussian royal family urged all citizens to contribute their gold and silver jewellery towards funding the Franco-Prussian war. In return the people were given iron jewellery such as brooches and rings, often with the inscription “Gold gab ich fur eisen” (I gave gold for iron) or, as in this case, with the addition of the cameos depicting “Victory”.

Delivery Estimated FREE Australia Delivery
5-7 working days
Item Number
Both ovals width 30.5mm
Both ovals height 40.3mm
Length of bracelet 190mm
Width of bracelet 38.5mm
Diameter inside when worn 170.2mm
Date & Origin
Very Good
2 years ago
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