The Responsible Choice
Buying antique jewellery is both ethical and eco-friendly as harmful and destructive mining processes are not needed to make an item yours. So give yourself a pat on the back!
Find Out MoreA good quality 18ct75% pure gold (or 750 parts pure gold and 250 parts other metals) gold brooch with q platinumDerives from the Spanish word 'platina' meaning 'little silver'. Acknowledged since the 1900s, platinum's durability and natural brightness has been and still is today highly treasured A metallic element prized for its rarity, whiteness, high tensile strength and insusceptibility to corrosion, platinum first became widely used in jewellery in the late ninete... tipped crop and a naturalA natural stone is called such because it has not been subjected to any treatments. split pearlNatural pearls are an organic gem formed inside live mollusc shells and come in all shapes and sizes. They are formed as the result of a natural irritant within the mollusc's mantle and as a defence, layers of iridescent nacre form over the top of it, creating a pearl. set horseshoe that would have originally been worn when out hunting. Nowadays it can be worn as a stylish accessory on a lapel especially if you are in the horse world. It was made circa 1900-1910.
Top quality !
Buying antique jewellery is both ethical and eco-friendly as harmful and destructive mining processes are not needed to make an item yours. So give yourself a pat on the back!
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Quality, Rarity, Expertise, Peace of Mind and Personal Touch