The Responsible Choice
Buying antique jewellery is both ethical and eco-friendly as harmful and destructive mining processes are not needed to make an item yours. So give yourself a pat on the back!
Find Out MoreA really good looking Art DecoA movement within the arts between the two Great Wars (1920-1935) across Europe and the US, characterized by its clean, geometric designs. The aesthetic was intended to celebrate an age of progress and the modernity of the machine. pendant on a platinumDerives from the Spanish word 'platina' meaning 'little silver'. Acknowledged since the 1900s, platinum's durability and natural brightness has been and still is today highly treasured A metallic element prized for its rarity, whiteness, high tensile strength and insusceptibility to corrosion, platinum first became widely used in jewellery in the late ninete... chain. It was made in the 1920s and is typical of the period. It is composed of a large carved long pear shaped naturalA natural stone is called such because it has not been subjected to any treatments. coralAn organic gem, calcium carbonate with a trace of carotene, deposited by tiny sea creatures living in the depths of warm seas in huge colonies. It grows in branches that look like underwater trees. Coral is believed to be one of the oldest forms of gemstone jewellery, with some pieces dating back as far as 23,000 BC. which is a lovely even colour. Above it are six transition cutDirect descendants of the Old European Cut, this progressive cuts saw an evolution toward a larger table, a lower crown, and a smaller culet than previous cuts. However, unlike later brilliants, the girdles of these stones remained unfaceted. Considered a precursor to both the Modern Round Brilliant and the Ideal cuts. well matched graded bright white diamonds. The platinum chain is a fine trace and long link design that was often used in the Art Deco period. It looks stunning when worn
If you love coral this is the perfect pendant to buy as it is in great condition and so stylish
Buying antique jewellery is both ethical and eco-friendly as harmful and destructive mining processes are not needed to make an item yours. So give yourself a pat on the back!
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